The Offspring Suffer Fire Emergency In Car

The Offspring Suffer Fire Emergency In Car

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The members of The Offspring faced an emergency situation. They escaped unharmed after one of their vehicles caught fire Saturday while they were en route to Rimouski, Quebec, Canada for a concert. The band had reportedly played in front of 3,000 fans on Thursday (August 4) in Sherbrooke and was en route to Rimouski for the next show on its North American tour.

The Offspring members react to the incident

The veteran punk rock act took to social media yesterday to share a short video of the burning vehicle, and included the following message: “While traveling through Canada yesterday, something flew off the vehicle in front of us and became wedged underneath one of our SUVs and it caught fire. Everyone got out safely, but the luggage, passports, laptops and pretty much everything else was destroyed.

“We are happy to report that everyone is doing ok and we’ve made it safely to Rimouski and will be performing tonight at Les Grandes Fetes TELUS. Hope to see everyone there!”

The Offspring guitarist Kevin “Noodles” Wasserman also shared a clip of the burning SUV and wrote: “No one was hurt. Everyone got out of the vehicle unscathed. Unfortunately about half our crew lost all their belongings in the fire, including luggage, computers, & passports. But it could’ve been much worse. The band & I are so thankful & relieved that all involved are OK.

“No one is sure what started the fire yet, but the SUV hit something big & heavy, possibly a lost trailer hitch, and within seconds the vehicle was in flames. You can see from the video that they didn’t even get off the Highway before everyone had to bail. No time to save any belongings. Scary shit!

“Our crew do all the heavy lifting so that we look & sound as good as possible when we take the stage. They’re travel & workdays are always longer & more arduous than ours, and we can’t thank them enough for all they do. To see them have to go through something like this is heartbreaking & frightening. I am so glad they are all OK!”

The band is currently on the road in support of its most recent album, “Let The Bad Times Roll”.

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