Kid Rock Tells Fans What Kamala Will Do Next

Kid Rock Tells Fans What Kamala Will Do Next

Kid Rock Tells Fans What Kamala Will Do Next

Kid Rock tells Kamala Harris to RUN FAR AWAY after losing election.

Bill Maher crowd cheers loudly when Bill suggests that Kamala Harris should not run for governor of California:

Bill Maher: “Should Kamala Harris run for California governor in 2026 after polls show her leading.

I’m going to give that a big no.”

*Loud cheers*

Kid Rock: “She should run, far far away.”

Kamala Harris ran such a ‘flawless campaign’ that no one wants her to run ever again.

BILL MAHER: My first guest. Has been a rock star from before you kids were born. His latest arena tour starts in March, the Rock the Country tour in April and May 16th as Big Rocks, Rock n Roll Rodeo in Arlington. Kid Rock, everybody.

How are you?

KID ROCK: Good to see ya.

BILL MAHER: You, too. Come on. That’s got to make you feel good here in liberal Los Angeles.

KID ROCK: Was not expecting that.

BILL MAHER: Right. The crowd that– my crowd is awesome they do not f*ck around with hating people–

KID ROCK: As it should be–

BILL MAHER: And we’re going to talk about that. But first, three tours. You’re not having a midlife crisis, are you, Bob? That’s- why three tours.

And you know what? I would like to I’m a big fan of your music, not the early rap shit, but once you became a singer, like remember Picture? And that was like 20 years ago, that awesome record with Sheryl Crow after that and you –.

And you know– once you became Bob Seger, all those albums, I f*cking love them.

But I don’t want to go to a Trump rally! I would love to see a concert of yours, but it’s also a Trump rally. Why does it have to be both?

KID ROCK: Well, this year it’s going to be– it’s going to be you know, as I said, to post it, now’s not the time to gloat. You know, I really believe in bringing people together, reasonable people.

But I think going out and having all the celebration is not bad for me. And a lot of people who took a lot of shit for the last eight years. You know, I took a lot of crap from the media everywhere.

I mean, at the end of the day, honestly, I only kind of made my shit bigger. But, you know, nonetheless, it’s like every day somebody is coming at you. You know?

Anything I do positive. Nowhere to be found. Any little slip up here or there. It’s like ahh, you know, Kid Rock started again. That drunk washed up, you know, fucked up musician or whatever. It’s like, okay, whatever.

BILL MAHER: Well, we’ve been nice to you. We got rid of the Bud Light in the dressing room.

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