Normal History Vol. 817: The Art Of David Lester

Normal History Vol. 817: The Art Of David Lester

Every week, we’ll be posting a new illustration by David Lester. The Mecca Normal guitarist is visually documenting people, places and events from his band’s 41-year run, with text by vocalist Jean Smith.

Going back 30 years to write about elements of songs in this space, I regularly feel like I could have been more direct. Less ambiguous. Considering that the general vibe we’re living in is negative, there is a sense of squandered opportunity when I get too poetic. Not so with “Museum Of Open Windows,” which is, in part, about the lack of universal health care in the U.S.

it’s a truly uncivilized nation
that treats medical care
as a commodity to be sold

Museum Of Open Windows” from Flood Plain (K, 1993) (download):

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