Wendy Stuart Presents TriVersity Talk! Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 7 PM ET With Featured Guest Nathalie Farfan


Wendy Stuart will be hosting TriVersity Talk! this Wednesday at 7 PM ET with featured guest Nathalie Farfan.

TriVersity Talk! is a weekly web series with featured guests discussing their lives, activism and pressing issues in the LGBTQ Community. With TriVersity Talk!, the goal is to laugh and learn.

TriVersity Talk! Is part of TriVersity’s ICARE Initiative. ICARE stands for Increasing Community Awareness through Relevant Education. ICARE Programs are generously funded by The Greater Pike Community Foundation.

“Fellow Bruja Nat Farfan identifies as a mom, creator, entrepreneur, and community organizer at La Brujas Club. La Brujas Club is her passion project turn campaign for women’s rights focused on bringing more opportunity and empowerment to women worldwide. She brought LBC to life as a way to gather community and make space for healing conversations. La Brujas Club has since evolved and made more room for women & queer folks to create magic when gathering together. It went from a moon circle in the Lower East Side bookstore to fashion items, international retreats, and media production. 

Nat hopes to bring these rituals and energy under one roof very soon. Until then, she is out here sharing her matriarch’s recipes and stories that have been passed down through generations. Contains Magic—the good kind.” 

Watch TriVersity Talk! Live on Wednesday at 7 PM ET on YouTube here: 


The official website for the TriVersity Center may be found at https://www.triversitycenter.org

Subscribe and listen to TriVersity Talk! on Apple Podcasts/iTunes here:
