Scorpions Biopic ‘Wind of Change’ to Start Shooting Around May of This Year

Scorpions Biopic ‘Wind of Change’ to Start Shooting Around May of This Year

I’ve always wanted to see a music biopic from a band that didn’t really make it that big and doesn’t end the movie with the band becoming world famous. Give me the tragic story of a band that labored in obscurity and then imploded horribly before anyone ever heard of them. Give me a biopic about Reagan Youth or Crimson Glory or G.L.O.S.S. or The Screamers, something completely random and weird like that. Well, it looks like there’s going to be a Scorpions biopic, which feels like my wish was granted by a genie who’s not that good at his job. Scorpions have sold over 100 million records so they’re hardly obscure, but they’re at least a band that the average teenager in 2025 has never heard of.

In a recent interview with Brazilian Scorpions fansite Scorpions Brazil (that was transcribed by Blabbermouth), Scorpions frontman Klaus Meine gave an update on the Scorpions biopic, Wind of Change, that’s being developed by ESX Entertainment:

“Well, movies [are] also something that takes some time until things get rolling. And right now we hope later this year the biopic will be out all over the world. They start filming in a few months. Right now [they are] working on the script and working on the actors, to find the right characters who play the band. It’s not so easy to find five Brad Pitts.”

He went on to explain the band’s involvement with the film, saying:

“Yeah, we participate in the script and when they go for the first checking out who can play Rudolf [Schenker, SCORPIONS guitarist], Matthias [SCORPIONS guitarist] and myself. So we stay in close touch with our friend Ali Afshar, who is the producer of this movie. And he has a great team, and he has a big heart, and he loves the band and he will make a very special biopic, because he’s in it, together with this team, really with heart and soul. You can tell.”

As for a prediction of when the film would be out, Meine said:

“Unfortunately, it’s too early. They start shooting around May, and then I have no idea. Hopefully in the fall. It would be great. But with these filmmaking issues, you really never know. There are a million things that can go great or can go wrong. So what do we know? We’re part of it and we support the team. But they have a clear concept about the movie and the script is pretty cool as well. But if there are things to change along the way… We’re part of it, but we stand watching with a lot of excitement. And hopefully it will be as great as the filmmakers think it will be.”

So by the end of the year, get ready for the movie that tells the epic true story of the biggest band in the world that nobody really cares about anymore.

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