Meet Sacri Monti, psychedelic rockers from Oceanside, CA

Meet Sacri Monti, psychedelic rockers from Oceanside, CA

Five crazy diamonds badly in need of a shave and a haircut, their clothes reeking of bong smoke and time travel, Sacri Monti are bassist Anthony ‘Ant’ Meier, Brenden Dellar on vocals and guitar, Thomas Di Benedetto on drums, Dylan Donovan on guitar, and Evan Wenskay on organ and synth. From Oceanside, California, a beach city in San Diego County, they all met in high school in the early 2000s and began jamming.

“Our first show we made two songs last for fifty minutes,” chuckles Brenden. “That’s how it began. Not so much putting on shows as improvising in front of people.”

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