Old blokes: What is it with them and when will they stop? A sort-of review of the Sex Pistols and Frank Carter at Bush Hall

Old blokes: What is it with them and when will they stop? A sort-of review of the Sex Pistols and Frank Carter at Bush Hall

Everywhere you look: old blokes. Old blokes running the world. Old blokes running for President. Old blokes telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Old blokes running scared when a woman stands up to them. Old blokes stirring up racism and then saying, “Aw, you can’t say anything these days! Some of my best friends are… Aw, fuck, they’re old white blokes, aren’t they? Sorry, forgot who I was for a minute…” Old blokes in trainers and tracky-bottoms – the kind of old blokes who can’t do the fucking dishes or make a bed – rioting. Old blokes getting a concrete block right in the knackers for their troubles and a nation pumping their ‘Like’ buttons, dropping their phones and rising as one in solidarity. Hurrah! Thank you, Old Bloke-with–his-testicles-in-tatters, for reminding us what really matters. 

Old blokes: What is it with them and when will they go away? 

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