High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 Spoilers

High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 Spoilers

I think it’s safe to say Morgan and Karadec are finally working as a unit on High Potential Season 1 Episode 6. The days of bickering and quitting on the spot are long gone.

If there is one thing this series is a pro at, it’s keeping the story moving and not letting anything get stale. Whether it’s the writing, the acting, or a combination of both, every episode is fresher than the last.

Now that we’re halfway through High Potential Season 1, fans can expect some shake-ups to keep the plot interesting.

High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 SpoilersHigh Potential Season 1 Episode 6 Spoilers
(Carlos Lopez-Calleja, Mitch Hasseth/Disney)

From what I’ve gleaned from the synopses, disappointing news may be on the horizon for some audience members, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Now That Morgan And Karadec Have Established A Healthy Partnership, It’s Time To Cross Some Boundaries Into Hilarious Territories

First, High Potential is selling the hell out of Morgan being domestic. Every promo starts with Morgan wearing her “Mommy Hat” in one form or another.

I’m not mad about it. If anything, I commend the show for not pulling a bait-and-switch. It would’ve been easy for the writers to pivot Morgan’s character away from the home life arcs to focus more on her work.

It fits the character because her whole thing is moving a million miles per minute, so her home life keeps her balanced. Although, I wouldn’t mind if the same treatment were given to other characters.

In High Potential Season 1 Episode 5, we finally got a look into Adam’s — yes, I’m using Karadec’s first name — personal life. And if you’re like me, you were itching for more.

(Carlos Lopez-Calleja/Disney)

Now that Morgan and Karadec have established a healthy partnership, it’s time to cross some boundaries into hilarious territories. How funny was the date getting invested in the case when Morgan dropped in on Karadec’s date?

Considering Karadec is a tall drink of water, I’m hoping for many, many more interrupted dates in the future. You know Morgan is only getting started.

Things Aren’t Looking Too Hot For Morgan And Ludo Patching Things Up

Sadly, we may soon see the end of something else. For those hoping Morgan and Ludo (Taran Killam) would work it out, yours truly included, there are some new developments.

The official synopses for High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 reads: “A wild office party at a high-profile medical technology startup leads to the shocking murder of the founder and CEO, and Morgan and the team are on the case.

“Meanwhile, a new co-worker at the precinct catches Morgan’s eye.” We’ll get to the first part in a minute. Right now, we need to talk about that last line.

(Mitch Hasseth/Disney)

We have a new character coming to the show. That’s always fun because it introduces a new element to the established atmosphere.

However, whoever this is will likely be Morgan’s love interest. The biggest question I have is how attractive this character is that Morgan’s eye is only now being caught.

She’s been around Karadec and Oz this entire time without making so much as a passing comment about how handsome the detectives are. Even Detective Melon isn’t too hard on the eyes.

There was nothing in the promo about who this new character could be. We also don’t know if this will be a recurring character or just an episodic appearance.

Regardless, it does not bode well for the possibility of Ludo and Morgan (Kaitlin Olson) patching things up. Especially if her eyes are wandering around.

Although you already know, seeing how Morgan sizes up a guy she is interested in will be fun. She’ll look at his shoes and know he was in Italy two years ago during the winter or something weirdly specific.

(Mitch Hasseth/Disney)

Hopefully, High Potential Tackles Tropes By Turning Them On Their Head

While we don’t know much about this potential love interest, we at least have some insight into the characters for High Potential Season 1 Episode 6.

Derek Richardson plays the very handsome husband of the murder victim and, as you’ll see in the promo, is a suspect in the case.

The actor has been in the entertainment industry for over two decades. He is known for his roles in The Offer, A Million Little Things, and Fear The Walking Dead.

It looks like this industry vet will play the typical sleazy widower. It’s hard to tell what his personality will be, but that’s how the promo paints him.

There is mention that the character may have been having an affair with his late wife’s assistant. It doesn’t get any more cliched than that.

(Mitch Hasseth/Disney)

However, the idea of the murder happening during an office party does add some intrigue to the case. Plus, you know Morgan will have a lot to relate to. That girl likely did some partying in her day.

High Potential Is A Scintillating Series Worth Soaking Up Every Sensational Second Of

The murder of a tech CEO means this will be Morgan’s first high-profile case. We may see how she handles media coverage of the murder — que Karadec’s speech to Morgan about not talking to the press.

I’ll tell you what we haven’t heard much about in a while, which is Roman. There has been no mention of the case since High Potential Season 1 Episode 3.

It seems like the case of Roman missing will tie into the following season. Which begs the question: Is this really the time to introduce a possible love interest for Morgan?

(Mitch Hasseth/Disney)

She already has a balanced co-parenting life with Ludo while looking into her missing ex. Things are going great, so the writers need to get in there and funk everything up.

That is how you make watchable TV, after all. As much as we’d love Morgan’s life to go as smoothly as possible, that gets old fast.

The next episode will undoubtedly be rife with office politics and drama as the investigation into the CEO’s death continues. And you know Morgan and Karadec will find some skeletons in the deceased’s closet.

Whatever the situation, I’m going to soak up every scintillating second of this sensational series right along with you and everyone who loves this show as much as I do.

(Carlos Lopez-Calleja/Disney)

For now, check out the ABC’s High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 promo below!

What do you think might happen with Morgan and this new co-worker?

Who do you already suspect from the promo?

Please drop a comment below to let me know, and join me again when I bring you more spoilers for High Potential!

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