Jimmy and Gaby’s Complicated Connection Takes Center Stage on the Shrinking Season 2 Premiere

Jimmy and Gaby’s Complicated Connection Takes Center Stage on the Shrinking Season 2 Premiere

Critic’s Rating: 4.95 / 5.0


Wow! What a great way to start the second season of Shrinking!

The premiere of Shrinking Season 2 delivered more of the sweetness and raw realism that we’ve come to love, and they did not disappoint.

While we could have gotten a premiere solely focused on the fallout from Grace’s Season 1 cliffhanger, we got so much more.

Jimmy and Gaby’s Complicated Connection Takes Center Stage on the Shrinking Season 2 Premiere
(Apple TV+)

These episodes were all about boundaries, with our favorite characters navigating the tricky waters of opening and closing them.

Jimmy and Alice are still on a good path together, moving forward after Tia’s death. Sean had a major breakthrough; Paul took a huge step, and Gaby and Jimmy? Well, let’s talk about them.

Gaby and Jimmy are tiptoeing around their relationship, struggling to figure out what’s next. Deep down, Gaby knows the truth — Jimmy is in love with her too, whether he’s ready to admit it or not. They’re perfect together.

Sure, it’s complicated since Gaby was Tia’s best friend, but sometimes that’s just how life works.

They have a connection that goes beyond friendship, and it’s hard to believe Tia would be anything but supportive.

The close bond Gaby and Jimmy shared before turning into “friends with benefits” makes their relationship even more natural.

And that was a big part of Shrinking Season 2 Episode 1 and Shrinking Season 2 Episode 2.

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But for this to work, Jimmy has to let go of the boundaries he’s set around Tia’s memory.

Yes, she was the love of his life, but he’s still young, and she wouldn’t want him to spend the rest of his life alone. Not for his sake, and definitely not for Alice’s.

That struggle was at the heart of both episodes, and Jimmy needs to figure out how to move forward without letting guilt hold him back.

Gaby knows Jimmy has feelings for her, but she’s hesitant, mostly thanks to Liz. Why does that woman have to rain on everyone’s parade?

Liz: Love Her or Leave Her?

If there’s one character who needs a reality check, it’s Liz. Whether she’s rocking her latest hobby, offering unsolicited advice, or barging in at Gaby’s teaching gig (I was floored with that one!), she always manages to cross the line.

Even Derek comes across as more likable (how have they stayed married for so long!?).

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Sure, Liz helped Sean, and Gaby considers her a friend, but let’s face it, she’s overbearing, and Paul’s nickname for her — “the crazy neighbor lady” — isn’t too far off the mark.

Before we dove into everyone’s personal drama, the season opener brought us right back to where we left off: Grace’s situation after she pushed Donny off a cliff.

While Donny survived, Grace is facing some serious consequences.

Of course, Jimmy recruits Brian as her attorney. But the news that Jimmy and Gaby were an item was the last thing Brian expected.

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In fact, everyone knew except him, which didn’t sit well. It’s not like Brian would drop Grace as a client over it, but this secret might cause some friction between the best buds.

Brian, of all people, would understand Jimmy’s feelings. He was close to Tia, too, and would probably agree that Tia would want Jimmy to be happy.

Navigating New Love and Old Wounds

Starting a new relationship after losing a spouse is a huge step. It comes with a lot of emotional baggage, and for Jimmy, the biggest question is whether Alice is okay with it.

She seems fine with Gaby being part of her dad’s life now, but if things get more serious, she may have to face some unresolved feelings, especially with the DD who killed Tia resurfacing.

Alice’s new fixation on the DD driver is worrying. Summer’s idea for her to write a letter to get her feelings out was a good one, but Alice’s stalking tendencies are not.

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A sit-down with the driver, possibly at Jimmy’s office, could help bring some closure, even if forgiveness isn’t guaranteed.

One of the most powerful moments came when Jimmy shared how, on the night of Tia’s accident, two cops casually discussed dinner plans while her body was loaded into an ambulance.

It’s a gut-wrenching reminder that while our world is falling apart, life goes on for everyone else. It’s a sentiment many of us can relate to when faced with loss.

Finding Light in the Darkness

Despite the heavy themes, the premiere wasn’t all gloom and doom. There were plenty of lighter moments to keep things balanced.

Paul made a big move with his girlfriend, and his willingness to cross the line with a patient-turned-friend was a significant step forward. It’s a parallel to the evolving nature of his relationship with Julie.

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Sean also took a step forward, especially after Paul became his therapist. His confrontation with Liz about the blog was a major turning point.

It’s great to see Sean addressing his issues head-on, and this growth may even strengthen his friendship with Jimmy. I love him! He’s such a good kid.

But please, can we find a way to make Liz more tolerable this season? She literally destroys this show’s feel-good feelings!

Over to You, Shrinking Fanatics!

What did you think of the Shrinking Season 2 premiere? Did the episodes hit the mark, or are you still on the fence? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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