Rachel DeeLynn Drops Hot New Single


Rachel DeeLynn’s music is gusty and unapologetic. She presents herself to listeners sans any dishonest varnish and demands you take her as she is or else. Few longtime hard rock fans will deny her after hearing the new single “Can You Hear Me Now?”

I hear you, Rachel, loud and clear.

She’s a five-star vocal talent with presence, power, and personality. A song such as this can easily deteriorate into a heavy-handed screed in the hands of lesser singers. They might scream every syllable, gleefully tossing any nuance overboard, and you’d forget the song within twenty-four hours. However, DeeLynn takes a true singer/songwriter approach to her original material, co-written with Cole Tague and Suzie Buist, that explores the gamut of emotions invoked by the song’s experiences.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/racheldeelynn/?hl=en

It takes absolute confidence to bear your heart the way she does here. She’s unburdening herself with this performance, turning her disappointment over the subject’s failures into newfound strength, and there isn’t any hint of her holding back. The musicianship is high throughout. It isn’t a song driven by virtuoso possibilities, despite the talent on hand, but rather work to help frame her dramatic power.

Relentlessly on-point drumming is one of the strong suits. “Can You Hear Me Now?” incorporates several transitions into the song’s relatively brief duration that require attentive playing. The percussion pumps considerable impetus into the performance. DeeLynn’s single benefits as well from an excellent mix that keeps the rhythm section and guitars balanced. “Can You Hear Me Now?” has a cohesive and immediate sound that checks off every box.

Young and older rock fans alike will appreciate this accomplishment. The relatability of her material, we’ve all been there even though the circumstances naturally differ, and the familiarity of her approach bolsters her connection with a cross-section of listeners. Long-standing rock fans will further appreciate her talent for taking time-honored formulas and remixing them with an uniquely flavorful zing.

The raw and untethered feel of the performance, attempting to embody nearly unhinged disgust, is obviously a deliberate effect. No rogue punk rocker is lurking beneath DeeLynn’s surface, acting on pure instinct alone; she’s a composer, a conscious artist, and there’s a method to her seeming madness. It ensures songs such as “Can You Hear Me Now?” have an even greater resounding effect.

It’s a single that definitely stays with you. Rachel DeeLynn isn’t looking to write, record, and perform disposable pop fluff. She wants to be responsible for songs that leave a mark. There’s no question that she wants to entertain listeners, of course, and connect with them physically. These are songs she wants listeners to emotionally experience, as well.

“Can You Hear Me Now?” is mission accomplished.

It’s the harbinger of even greater things to come. DeeLynn’s sample size is small for now. Her first releases mark her as an auspicious talent in a music world that, naysayers be damned, isn’t as bereft as the cynics would claim. She has staying power, and we can expect that her peak will be a potentially transformative moment. Let’s hang around and find out.  

Jason Hillenburg