Why Big Brother 24’s Leftovers Alliance Might Split By The

Why Big Brother 24’s Leftovers Alliance Might Split By The

Why Big Brother 24’s Leftovers Alliance Might Split By The

Big Brother 24 hasn’t let its foot off the gas since Week 1, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise some major drama has been cooking up on the live feeds this week. Unfortunately, it’s looking like said drama involves a development many fans won’t want to hear about. The Leftovers alliance may be a thing of the past by the end of this week after everything that’s unfolded leading up to and after the veto ceremony. 

Fans who were tracking the recent events of Big Brother’s live feeds with a Paramount+ subscription now have reason to believe The Leftovers are kaput. Here’s what went down, and why it could spell the end of the majority group, thus creating a power vacuum for another alliance to potentially take over. 

Alyssa and Kyle on Big Brother on CBS

(Image credit: CBS)

Kyle Refused To Use The Veto So Taylor Could Backdoor Alyssa, And He Had Support

When The Leftovers first approached Kyle Capener about how he’d feel about getting rid of his showmance Alyssa Snider in the coming weeks, he acted like it was no big deal. Unfortunately, he had to put his money where his mouth was with his latest veto win, as Week 6 Head of Household Taylor Hale decided she wanted to backdoor Alyssa this week. Kyle changed his mind and wasn’t keen to make that move, and surprisingly, he had some Leftovers supporters in Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes. 

Michael and Brittany understand that they’re on the lower end of the totem pole for The Leftovers, and that aligning with Kyle and Alyssa presents an opportunity to advance their status in the game. With those numbers, they could pull in another non-Leftovers Houseguest in the near future and take a shot at one of the major players within the group. Of course, Michael and Brittany didn’t directly express all that when confronted about siding with Kyle by Taylor and others, but that’s essentially what’s happening. They need to take out Joseph Abdin, Monte Taylor, and Matt Turner to win, and aligning with Kyle and Alyssa gives them a chance to do that. 

Kyle Capener on Big Brother on CBS

(Image credit: CBS)

Kyle Didn’t use The Veto, and No One Is Happy

Joseph, Monte, Turner, and Taylor all see Kyle’s refusal to cooperate as a massive red flag, and they strongly question his loyalty to The Leftovers long term. This should be especially troubling to Monte, Joseph, and Turner, as Kyle is a key member of “The Pound,” the group within The Leftovers that hopes to make it to Final 4. Now they have to worry about Kyle trying to strike off on his own with another alliance, and potentially betraying them when they least expect it. 

As for Kyle, his choice to protect Alyssa kind of forced his hand going forward. He may be safe for now, but he’s going to need to make some moves to prevent his allies from turning on him sooner than later. Kyle is talking more with Jasmine Davis and Terrance Higgins, who could prove vital to flipping on The Leftovers if he commits to betraying The Leftovers with Brittany and Michael. 

Taylor Hale on Big Brother on CBS

(Image credit: CBS)

This Thursday Presents The Perfect Chance To End The Leftovers

If the events of today and the days to come don’t officially end The Leftovers, the upcoming week will almost certainly. Big Brother teased that this coming Thursday is going to bring a new twist unlike any other. This new twist will divide the house into two separate halves, and the week will play out and ultimately evict two Houseguests in a double eviction. The two sides will have zero contact, which is not good for The Leftovers. 

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This twist comes at a time when mistrust is high in The Leftovers, and people are wondering whether or not they should make some big moves. Assuming the house is split into two equal halves, any Houseguest has a real opportunity to advance their game by taking out some key targets. It’ll be much easier for The Leftovers to betray each other than stick together, so I’d be expecting to see some big moves being made in the next week. Will The Leftovers still be standing afterward? We’ll have to wait and see and hope the drama is big enough that someone pukes again

Big Brother airs on CBS on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET, and on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET. We’ll see where the cards fall when the next week starts, and who could be looking like a Houseguest in a much better position of winning when the dust settles. 

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