SeeYouSpaceCowboy’s Connie Sgarbossa is Leaving the Band

SeeYouSpaceCowboy’s Connie Sgarbossa is Leaving the Band

A black cloud of familiar drama has been hanging over SeeYouSpaceCowboy for a few days now, all because men are men and do shitty things. I don’t necessarily mean this to be a blanket statement but, just look at the numbers.

Anyway, the band’s frontlady Connie Sgarbossa has been quite vocal about SYSC’s support of bands with members who have less than stellar reputations, and the situation has come up again. While the band for the most part chose to support Dance Gavin Dance on tour (whose former vocalist Tilian Pearson was accused of sexual assault) Sgarbossa wasn’t really on board, causing some tension within the band. Lest we forget SYSC had some similar shit happen with Roman Candle and their former bassist Nico Borgia, leading to SYSC kicking them off tour. Because the band hasn’t addressed her concerns, it looks like she’s calling it quits.

We won’t mention the goddamn moron who said he would take her place, but here’s what Sgarbossa posted as a response of sorts:

I appreciate everyone reach out
SYSC meant the world to me too
I haven’t fully processed what’s going on but I am alive as of now

The rest of SeeYouSpaceCowboy have yet to comment on Sgarbossa and her (confirmed?) departure, or whether or not they’ll stay on tour with Dance Gavin Dance. Either way, fans have been a bit concerned for Sgarbossa due to some ongoing mental health issues she’s been dealing with. Hopefully, everything gets resolved in the healthiest way possible.

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