Eric Clapton’s Best Albums – A Buyers’ Guide

Eric Clapton’s Best Albums – A Buyers’ Guide

It’s fair to say that Eric Clapton tends to polarise opinion. To the unknown graffiti artist who scrawled ‘Clapton is God’ on the wall of Islington tube station back in the mid-60s, and the fanatics who stormed the Royal Albert Hall for Cream’s 2005 reunion shows 37 years after their farewell ones, he is without question the greatest white blues guitarist of them all.

To Clapton detractors, on the other hand, whose number has grown steadily since his solo career got a little too comfortable in the 80s, he’s regarded as something closer to the Devil; the epitome of the bloated, Armani-clad superstar peddling mothballed hits to stadiums full of hedge fund managers.

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